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×÷Õߣºfrog  ÎÄÕÂÀ´Ô´£º±¾Õ¾Ô­´´  µã»÷Êý  ¸üÐÂʱ¼ä£º2010-3-11 22:13:02  ÎÄÕ¼È룺frog  ÔðÈα༭£ºfrog

¡¡¡¡ÓÃËù¸øµÄ¶¯´Ê»ò´Ê×éµÄÊʵ±ÐÎʽÌî¿Õ¡£[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ :;-4a #JK{ UNHFroG]

¡¡¡¡go, find, colour, please, sit, can, see, come, excuse, meet, put, give, take, play,[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ dB~v(}iAl3^|k]€FroG]

¡¡¡¡thank, do not, look at, look the same, watch[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ €?ai( ]r'cvbJDR!dFroG]

¡¡¡¡1. Please come in and ________ down.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ hq-+rNC~V.'~h`|FroG]

¡¡¡¡2. -Can you spell your name, ________?[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ !d0UN#:-Coy'PsoxFroG]

¡¡¡¡-Yes, B-R-O-W-N, Brown.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ cyk.tl8qH:+GNExl`(!FroG]

¡¡¡¡3. -This watch is yours. Here you are.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ h`&$.\L{ /oWnS@FroG]

¡¡¡¡-________ you very much.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ |8P_z@_)ktiM^+++FroG]

¡¡¡¡4. -Is this your brother? You ________.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ UWIe3vdOg'x}SY  FroG]

¡¡¡¡-Yes, we are twins.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ gR+r^,B "hb*gCj\ FroG]

¡¡¡¡5. -What ________ you ________ on the wall?[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ D= ;0/2^FU^x€|LLfFroG]

¡¡¡¡-I can see some kites.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ JN!Z$8B/PNoq3FroG]

¡¡¡¡6. -Wang Lei, ________ this picture of some flowers.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ Jy"=Ws,5u:fOf":FFroG]

¡¡¡¡-Oh, they are nice. Can I ________ them red?[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ }BOKDG!#fUiK+{#GFroG]

¡¡¡¡7. ________me, can I ________ my things here?[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ bt/f_ ['l @*j6GKUFroG]

¡¡¡¡8. Where is my pen? I can't ________ it.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ G3AY# "-j ,~+rKkFroG]

¡¡¡¡9. Please ________ here and ________ my family.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ f[]kbNb:q,w}Z3+/|GFroG]

¡¡¡¡10. Jack, ________ your shoes off, please.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ ':jVF^='q, @HbW&EyFroG]

¡¡¡¡11. Mike, ________ the book to Miss Gao, please.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ k?W'f3m6l,|1SyX FroG]

¡¡¡¡12. It's half past five. Let's go and ________ games.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ Na./3w{sFX,K`IFroG]

¡¡¡¡13. She is new here. I ________ know her name.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ w&Q|]0 IM  06 t-FroG]

¡¡¡¡14. It's time ________ home.[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ O6\KX(u #@bJ|*iFroG]

¡¡¡¡15. Do you ________ TV every evening?[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ SL[qm=] 0-ukFroG]

¡¡¡¡Key:[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ @I{mj%VQYNcOU8dFroG]

¡¡¡¡1. sit   2. please  3. Thank  4. look the same  5. can, see  6. look at, colour  7. Excuse, put 8. find 9. come, meet 10. take 11. give 12. play 13. don't / do not 14. to go 15. watch[ÎÄÕ°æȨ ½ûֹתÔØ:¿¼ÊÔÓëÆÀ¼Û http://www.trgroup.com.cn/te/ :"CzCaSo= *x(Y %c6FroG]

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