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  作者:FroG 文章来源:不详 点击数:425 更新时间:2008-5-3  



 南昌十九中  宋焘 推荐


One: Messages

Have messages on the walls, the board and on cards for pairs and groups. For example, SPEAK ENGLISH WE SPEAK ENGLISH HERE Whenever they look up or down they will read the message..


Two: Monitor

Each group appoints a monitor whose job it is to keep their group speaking English.


Three: Set the task in English

If groups know that they will have to write or speak in English to another group, they will do more of the work in English. If the task is written down in English on a card, this can help.


Four: Compulsory talking in their own language

When learners begin to lose concentration and begin to speak their own language I say, 'You must all speak ... for one minute, starting now!' They must all speak at once. After a minute of noise I say, 'Can we speak only English for the next nine minutes?' And they do!


Five: Transform the classroom

Some teachers transform the whole classroom into an 'English only' environment. For example, they put up a picture of Big Ben or Tower Bridge and say 'We are in London. The people you meet can only speak English'.


Six: Microphones

I used to go round saying 'Speak English!' Then I went round with a tape recorder and microphone. As I pushed the mike into the group they remembered to 'perform' and switched back into English. Now I give out cardboard microphones to two or three learners. They go round like radio interviewers, making groups more conscious of what language they are using.


Seven: I don't understand!

Agatha pretends she can't understand the learners' own language. Her frowns and her incomprehension are a punishment and her smiles and co-operation are a reward.


Eight: Become a character

Teachers who use the learner's language occasionally in their lessons will put on a hat or a scarf to become a character who speaks and understands only the target language. This is particularly good with small children. This character is given a new name. It works well if you then put the hat or scarf on the learners as they speak English, or they all bring hats or scarves to wear.


Nine: As and Bs

Using hats or scarves I pair my learners as As and Bs. First all As and all Bs are new names. They greet each other and talk in pairs in English. Then I signal that As are themselves while Bs are the new names. New As and Bs meet and talk in English. Then Bs are themselves and As are the new names. They once again speak in English. On the fourth round both As and Bs are themselves. It would be natural for them to change to their mother tongue, but because they have said the same things three times already in English, they continue to use English They say real things about themselves in English.


Ten: Matchsticks

Some teachers issue fines as punishments and give sweets as rewards.

If the fines involve real money the tin is emptied for a class treat at the end of term. However, the same can be done with matchsticks.

Give out ten sticks to each group. A student who speaks the mother tongue forfeits one of her group's sticks. At the end of the lesson the group with the most sticks gets a cheer. Either the teacher or the monitor can confiscate the sticks.


资源录入:frog    责任编辑:frog 
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